Parabellyx is a vendor-agnostic, cybersecurity company that understands the new threats that modern business enterprises face as they move toward mobile and web applications in the cloud. This movement has created a new security perimeter that requires different cyber strategies than those used in the past, and our team and services have evolved to meet these new threats.
Parabellyx is primarily focused on helping modern businesses and companies transitioning to cloud-based infrastructures discover issues and threats in this new environment. When we work with organizations in application security, we’re often told “a lot of your competitors don’t understand applications.”
We would agree.
Although they may be well-versed in traditional cybersecurity, they don’t understand the scope of the threats or the negative impact that the cloud, web applications and mobile applications pose as bad actors trying to expose data and infiltrate identities to gain access to company data. The cloud contains sensitive data, and applications are the primary means that your users, or your employees, are using to access the data. It’s more exposed now than ever before.
That’s why bad actors are attempting to gain access through these new infrastructures, and it’s why you need new defensive and offensive strategies to protect you. What worked in the past when your data was held behind secure walls in dedicated systems is no longer enough as those systems and data have moved to the cloud. Too often, the digital transformation has occurred in these companies without the proper security provisions or training to prevent malware, ransomware or identity breaches from infiltrating those systems.
If you don’t understand the new perimeter and the infrastructure of a modern environment, you can’t protect it. That doesn’t mean you need to worry, our team can help.