What is SAST DAST cybersecurity testing in software development?

What is SAST DAST cybersecurity testing in software development?

As businesses recognize that the data security perimeter of their environments is frequently within their applications, they begin to understand that there needs to be more security around the development of those applications.

When an organization is developing an application, it’s important that they have security tools in place as part of the frameworks and pipelines for building those applications.

Parabellyx offers a solution that we call our SAST DAST consulting package, what it fundamentally does is helps an organization set up both static analysis testing and dynamic analysis testing in their development environment as organizations move toward more automated development pipelines, there’s a need to integrate tools with those pipelines. We help organizations build SAST DAST solutions into their environments to be able to review code for security as well as review functional applications for risks, vulnerabilities.

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